Egyetemünk a beutazó Erasmus+ hallgatók számára a tavaszi félévben kínál angol nyelven kurzusokat. A hallgatók részben Magyarország és Kelet-Európa történetével, kultúrájával, jelenével kapcsolatos tantárgyakat vehetnek fel (Közismereti modul, 20 kredit), részben pedig az egyes szakokhoz kapcsolódó szakmai modulok közül választhatnak (Teológiai modul: 27 kredit, Pedagógiai modul: 20 kredit), illetve kombinálhatják ezeket szabadon.

1) General education module (20 credits, recommended for all students):
•    20th Century Social and Cultural History of Hungary (2 hours per week, 4 ECTS credits)
•    The History of the Debrecen Reformed College and its Place in the History of the Hungarian Culture (2 hours per week, 4 ECTS credits)
•    Intercultural Communication (2 hours per week, 4 ECTS credits)
•    Introduction to Central European Identity (2 hours per week, 4 ECTS credits)
•    Hungarian as a Foreign Language (2 hours per week, 4 ECTS credits)

2) Theological module (27 credits, especially for theologians and teachers of religion):
•    History and Culture of the Biblical World (2 hours per week, 4 ECTS credits)
•    Reformed Theology in Central and Eastern Europe (2 hours per week, 4 ECTS credits)
•    „Lake or River?” – Challenges for the Mission of the Church in Central and Eastern Europe in the Past and Present (2 hours per week, 4 ECTS credits)
•    The History of Philosophy (2 hours per week, 4 ECTS credits)
•    Introduction to Christian Theology (Foundations of Our Christian Faith) (2 hours per week, 4 ECTS credits)
•    Introduction to Christian Denominations with a Special Regard to Hungary (2 hours per week, 3 ECTS credits)
•    Research seminar (various topics, for topics in the given semester please visit our homepage) (2 hours per week, 4 ECTS credits)

3) Education module (20 credits, especially for teachers (general and those of religion):
•    Information and Communication Technology 1 (3 hours per week, 5 ECTS credits)
•    Literary Theory (1 hours per week, 3 ECTS credits)
•    Pedagogy 1: Theory of Education (2 hours per week, 4 ECTS credits)
•    Group Training 1 (2 hours per week, 4 ECTS credits)
•    Introduction to Teaching Solfeggio based on the Kodály Method (2 hours per week, 4 ECTS credits)